Sunday 6 March 2011

Awaiting His Fate

Experimenting with lighting effects using an LED torch and blacklight. A sheet of black polar fleece makes an effective backdrop.

No Shiwoos were harmed in the making of this photoshoot. ;-)


hemorrhoidal treatment help said...

Dang, you're so good in photography. I like how you've experimented with the lighting effects. The subject is pretty too, she really looks so helpless here, I hope a prince would come and rescue her.

Arkadian Dreams said...

Thank you! Myrddin is actually a he, not a she - though the Shiwoo mold is rather androgynous and can equally make a very pretty boy or girl, so I can see how confusion might arise. :)

hemorrhoidal treatment help said...

Aw... he will make a good she in that case. Nonetheless, the pictures turns out great. =)