Monday, 17 March 2008

Match It For Pratchett

I have another auction up on eBay at present; but this one's an auction with a slight difference.

For one, it's nothing doll-related. And for two, I'm donating 20% of the final sale proceeds to the Alzheimer's Research Trust for "Match It For Pratchett".

The premise behind "Match It For Pratchett" is simple; Terry Pratchett has donated £500,000 ($1million) of his own money to the Alzheimer's Research Trust to help fund research into Alzheimer's. We, the fans, match it - if 500,000 fans pledge just £1 each, we can equal his donation.

Funding for Alzheimer's research in this country is ridiculously poor; only 3% of that for cancer research, and yet there are nearly as many sufferers of Alzheimer's as there are for cancer - and it is estimated that the number of people with Alzheimer's will double within a generation. The Alzheimer's Research Trust currently has to turn down two out of every three applications for research grants; up to now, only £11 is spent on UK research into Alzheimer's for every person affected by the disease, compared with £289 for cancer patients.

Alzheimer's research is a matter that is particularly close to my heart, as the shadow of Alzheimer's is something I face in my own future. Both my maternal grandparents suffered from Alzheimer's, and my paternal grandmother is struggling with it now. Research has shown there is a genetic component to Alzheimer's, and I am well aware that at some point in the future I, too, may well develop Alzheimer's.

So by donating 20% of the proceeds of the sale of this violin to the Alzheimer's Research Trust I am, in a very real sense, making an investment for the future - mine, as well as Terry Pratchett's. Please consider making a donation or bidding on this auction, or pass on the link. Every little helps.

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